Wednesday, July 21, 2010

After the Amazing Rainstorm We. . .

Went to Boyd's Orchard and picked huge Blackberries. Oh are they good!!! Fresh, juicy, local, blackberries. Taste 'em?!!

In the pictures: Michael is the big guy :), Kathryn is in the cute rain boots, and our friend Ales is in the cool green shirt.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Kathryn and Peanut Butter

We had a swim meet in Louisville, KY which is not very far from us, over the past 3 days. The first day we were stormed out with lightning and thunder, rain in the morning on Friday and good weather to finish through Saturday.
I wanted to share the pictures I took because the venue is really interesting.
The swim meet was at Lakeside Pool. It's a neighborhood private pool made in a quarry. The limestone sides were beautiful. The quarry is divided up into sections and pools. I took most of the pictures from the far end. We sat with our team against the high limestone rock wall at that end on grass.
There is a walkway all of the way around the water. You can see that there is a 25yd warm up pool right in front of us and then the long course (50M) pool just beyond that where the competition was.
But on the left you can see basically roped off open water. Across the way are some pavilions and buildings housing restrooms, a concession stand, 2 more pools with a high dive and more sitting areas. The pictures with Kathryn by the water were taken right in front of where we were sitting at the side of the warm up pool. You can see that there is about a 6 foot wall of limestone before you even get to the water on our side.

It was one of the most beautiful and interesting swim meets we've been to.

4th of July Weekend Fun

We love the 4th of July with all of it's celebrations with friends and family. We had great reports from our grown kids and had fun at home as well. With Mark with us, we BBQed, swam, ate at our friends' the Kramer's home, and played with fireworks. We worked and played all weekend :)