Mark met the guys out at the farm to receive the cow delivery. They did great and all of the Angus cows seem really happy with their new home. Kathryn and Mommy showed up a little later to check things out and we all had fun walking the land with the cows.
Another fun Fall Day. The kids had all kinds of fun at their Halloween party. They had bowling, a pumpkin bean bag toss, a music time, tasty marshmallow snack making, picture frame craft and MORE!
All of the kids were very cute!
They marched around and talked about their costumes in the funniest ways. A couple super heroes demonstrated their super powers during music time.
Kathryn's Pre-school made a morning of it. We drove out with Miss Jill and Carli and met up with everyone. The kids had an educational intro to the farm and then went on a hayride. They were given fresh apple cider and cider doughnuts. Yum!
When they got back it was snack time and time to get a pumpkin! After that it was all play. Over 4 hours of Fall Fun!
Michael had a fun time at Homecoming for TCHS. His date, Rikki, a fellow swimmer was wonderful and looked beautiful. I hear word that Mr. Michael lit up the dance floor.
Kathryn and Nadia share the same birthday so the two pregnant moms (yep shooting for sharing another birthday) thought that it would be best if we combined the parties and had some fun. The kids played games, ate treat and had cake and ice cream.Lots of fun for a group of great kids.
"The “good life” is not a “pleasure hunt.”If we want to be happy we must pursue happiness, not pleasure.The measure of a happy person is his ability to be tough with himself and tender with others.”(David O. McKay, Man May Know for Himself, pg. 246)