I didn't post any pictures of Christian/my birthday. He and Michael were at an out-of-town swim meet so we celebrated a few days later. So Now, a couple weeks later, I thought I'd post some pictures.
Christian is 18 and such a great guy to have around. We love him tons!!
The boys were trying to get me out of the driveway (had to move a car first which had a half inch thick film of ice all over it). What I didn't get on film was how it took Michael 5 minutes to go across the street and give our neighbor, Barbara, her mail. He kept slipping back down her driveway while holding her mail.
I have a lot of wishes but they have to be tempered. More importantly I am grateful. And on a day when I mark one more year of my small life, I am grateful for parents willing to bring me into this world, were willing to take care of me and took the time to work with me in my life choices before I left home. I am deeply grateful that they never have stopped being parents to me. I am grateful for the good times and humbled by the tough times. Life is very hard when I work at doing things the wisest ways. It's easy when I let go and have the "so what" attitude. So there must be something to living a life where we are willing to grow and stretch. I am soooooo grateful for a family who loves me. I am grateful that I am able see some of the fruits of many years of invested time in raising our children. I am grateful that Mark hasn't given up on us in a world where that is common place. God is good to us. He is loving and patient as is our Savior. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have a Savior who takes a personal interest in what I need and who I need to be. I am really happy, even in tough times, when I rely on His wisdom and counsel. Anyway, this is kinda personal for this blog but, oh well. It's my birthday. :) Another year older and hopefully a little wiser. Signing out, One silly woman who loves her family and friends a TON.
Advertising entices us to buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, in order to impress people we don’t really like.
"The “good life” is not a “pleasure hunt.”If we want to be happy we must pursue happiness, not pleasure.The measure of a happy person is his ability to be tough with himself and tender with others.”(David O. McKay, Man May Know for Himself, pg. 246)