Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday Wishes

I have a lot of wishes but they have to be tempered. More importantly I am grateful. And on a day when I mark one more year of my small life, I am grateful for parents willing to bring me into this world, were willing to take care of me and took the time to work with me in my life choices before I left home. I am deeply grateful that they never have stopped being parents to me.
I am grateful for the good times and humbled by the tough times. Life is very hard when I work at doing things the wisest ways. It's easy when I let go and have the "so what" attitude. So there must be something to living a life where we are willing to grow and stretch.
I am soooooo grateful for a family who loves me. I am grateful that I am able see some of the fruits of many years of invested time in raising our children. I am grateful that Mark hasn't given up on us in a world where that is common place.
God is good to us. He is loving and patient as is our Savior. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have a Savior who takes a personal interest in what I need and who I need to be. I am really happy, even in tough times, when I rely on His wisdom and counsel.
Anyway, this is kinda personal for this blog but, oh well. It's my birthday. :)
Another year older and hopefully a little wiser.
Signing out,
One silly woman who loves her family and friends a TON.


rebecca said...

love the birthday words of gratitude. Love you tons right back.
PS. the photo of kathryn in the snow is darling.

Ellsworth Family said...

Happy Birthday Sherry! You are a wonderful woman, love you tons!

Anonymous said...

Happy be-lated Birthday! A very sweet post! So glad you're in Kentucky!

Anonymous said...

Sweet sentiments, Sherry! Happy birthday, Sis! Love you!

And Becky's right...that picture of Kathryn is adorable!