Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley's passing

My daughter yelled out from downstairs, "President Hinckley died." She was looking at two text messages sent to her by her teenage friends. Throughout the house we all yelled back and forth, "What?", "Who told you?", "Are you sure?"
I stopped what I was doing and called my Dad while Mark turned on the news channels. Nothing was on the news channels yet. Dad Said that he hadn't heard anything but suggested that I go to the KSL website. While I was doing that, he said, "There's an email from Jon and now there's one from Becky." We both got choked up and had to hang up. I called Sara and she said that it was true. I got off the phone and just cried.
The emotions were mixed. President Gordon B. Hinckley is loved by me and my family for many reasons. Each one of us is at a different stage in life so the impact He has had varies. For me, he has been a beacon of light, full of positive input, outgoing and positive attitude and fearless in doing great works throughout the world. It seemed like he was a mortal man with many mortal experiences and yet had the faith and strength to move forward through what could have been impossible to most to accomplish charitable tasks for the weak and defenseless. He never seemed to doubt that serving others was not only a good thing to do but always a doable thing. So I am sad because I will miss him dearly.
I am happy, no, excited for him and his reunion with his wonderful dear wife and his loved one that have gone before him. I remembered back when my Grandma died. I cried and cried knowing that I would miss her. But the peace that I felt knowing that she was now, finally, with Grandpa after 3+ years of separation was even more overpowering.
As I thought about our dear Prophet while I was driving in the rare weather here in the desert looking at a gorgeous full arching rainbow over the Northwest part of our damp valley, I smiled and thought of the Savior greeting this humble, kind, energetic servant who was so devoted to sharing the love that the Savior has for us all and doing it in so many various ways. I almost wish I was there to witness that beautiful exchange.
I hope the Hinckley family has felt and feels of our love and support for them. President Hinckely needed them so much, I'm sure and they have done so much to support the Lord in their own lives as well as by being so kind and supportive to their Father and Grandfather. Just last night in our family prayers, my 17 year old son, without prompting from Mark or myself, asked Heavenly Father to please bless and comfort the Hinckley family.
President Hinckley, thank you from me and from my family. We love you and yours!


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, Sis.

My response ( was far less emotional. I like yours better.

rebecca said...

Isn't it sweet to see our kids' touched by the service of Pres. Hinckley as well? I, too, am so happy that he's with his Marjorie. That was one of my very first thoughts. That, and the amazing reception he must be receiving. No doubt he's wondering what the fuss is all about:) Thanks for sharing your thoughts.