Friday, May 16, 2008

End of School Year

It's the end of the school year and that means recitals, performances, banquets, art shows, and open houses. We are in the full swing of these follow up events. In the last 10 days we attended Jonathan's art show where we saw some really great talent on display. Jonathan had artwork and photographs on display.

The artwork was a chalk picture of a bright yellow flower. He had nice shading and movement in the picture. He also had a sculpture of a runner that we liked.

His photographs were interesting-one of a football player that displayed photograph developing skills with another picture in the picture. The other picture was one that he took of his baby sisters hands and feet that we really liked.

It is really interesting to see the levels of creativity and talent. There was some artwork that would sell extremely well. It was amazing.

Just a couple nights ago we went to Michael's middle school awards assembly. It was held at the school in the evening. This was a gathering of the school's top students. There were teacher awards, attendance awards, and academic awards. Michael got the Presidential Award for academics. I think he was just happy to be done with it all. I made him take a picture. It was like pulling teeth. What a riot!

We have a couple athletic banquets for swimming and track and the Senior Awards Assembly and then Graduation! We're almost there.
Good work guys.

1 comment:

rebecca said...

You have the most photogenic family! I loved Jonathan's pic of K, and congrats to Michael!