Saturday, October 31, 2009

Visiting Boyds Orchard

Mark, Sherrill, Jonathan and Kathryn made a trip to Boyd's Orchard. It was a beautiful fall day!

We checked out the pumpkins, the apple trees and played on the playground, the slide and visited the animals

We checked out the Jonathan Apples.

We found a fuzzy caterpillar.

Kathryn Limbo ed backwards under the
fruit trees.

than took Kathryn down the biggest slide screaming. He said on facebook that it reminded him of the Christmas Story.

When we visited the animals,
we fed them and
watched the goats go head to head on the goat bridge. Stubborn!

While we were there we bought a
bushel and a half of apples(mostly Melrose and Empire).


rebecca said...

What a doll, Kathryn is. Looks like a fun orchard for a family outing. Don't you love the dwarf apple trees? And the fall pretty. You got some fun pics.

Julia said...

Soooo fun! I love the picture of Jonathan in front of the Jonathan apples sign:)

Julee said...

Those are great pictures!