How fun to be able to just get

The cousins ran around the yard in kid bliss. Lauren helped with Kathryn just 'cause that sister time is precious now. :)

We adults visited, laughed and talked serious (well, the guys did).

Jacob and Josh put together a great fire for the smores. I love the smell of campfires!

I also got to hold baby Claire, who Kathryn could not keep her hands off of. Claire is beautiful and so patient.

Sara had something in her eye. I tried to help by taking a picture of it.
Looks like a blast. What get together with that group isn't, though?
I can't believe you now have a daughter in college, where has the time gone? It looks like you had a fun filled family get together.
Yes, taking a picture of the "something in my eye" was really helpful.
Looks like a fun time! Sara, glad to see you are ok. You Ellsworth girls are silly!
Sherry - I was just showing the pictures to Matt, and he noticed Kate peeking through to get in the picture of you, me, and Julie. Too funny. She hates to be left out of the spotlight.
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